Every Year 25 Girls are Chosen For Kim Jong’s Sexual Pleasure

Every year 25 girls are chosen for Kim Jong’s sexual pleasure
Yeonmi Park, a young escapee from North Korea, has made sensational statements regarding Kim Jong Un, the country’s leader. Ms. Park claimed in a Mirror report that Kim Jong-un selects 25 virgin girls annually for his “pleasure squad.” Remarkably, the ladies are picked in view of their looks and political steadfastness. She went on to say that she was scouted twice for Kim’s “pleasure squad,” but that her family status prevented her from being chosen.
The defector declared: In case they missed someone pretty, they visit every classroom and even the schoolyards. The first thing they do when they find some pretty girls is investigate their political and family backgrounds. Any girls who have relatives who have fled North Korea or who live in South Korea or another country are eliminated.
She asserts that once the girls are chosen, they are required to undergo medical tests to verify their virginity. “even the smallest defect,” such as a minor scar, results in disqualification during the test. Only a few girls from all over North Korea are sent to Pyongyang for the sole purpose of satisfying the dictator’s desires after passing rigorous tests.
There are three distinct groups in the squad, one of which is trained in massage and the other in singing and dancing. The dictator and other men must have sexual contact with the third group.
“They must have intimate sexual relationships with the dictator and other men. They need to figure out how to satisfy these men that is their main objective,” Ms Park said.
Every year, Kim Jong Un selects 25 “Pretty” girls for his “Pleasure Squad”: Notably, the women are chosen based on their looks and political loyalty, according to the report.
Yeonmi Park, a young lady who got away from North Korea, has uncovered shocking things about the country’s chief Kim Jong Un. Ms. Park claimed in a Mirror report that Kim Jong-un selects 25 virgin girls annually for his “pleasure squad.” Notably, the women are chosen for their political adherence and appearance. She went on to say that she was scouted twice for Kim’s “pleasure squad,” but that her family status prevented her from being chosen.
The defector declared: In case they missed someone pretty, they visit every classroom and even the schoolyards. The first thing they do when they find some pretty girls is investigate their political and family backgrounds. They kill any young ladies with relatives that have gotten away from North Korea, or have family members in South Korea or different nations.”
She asserts that once the girls are chosen, they are required to undergo medical tests to verify their virginity. “even the smallest defect,” such as a minor scar, results in disqualification during the test. Only a few girls from all over North Korea are sent to Pyongyang for the sole purpose of satisfying the dictator’s desires after passing rigorous tests.
Play Unmute Fullscreen There are three distinct groups on the squad, one of which is trained in massage and the other in singing and dancing. The dictator and other men must have sexual contact with the third group.
“They must have intimate sexual relationships with the dictator and other men. Their sole objective is to learn how to please these men,’ Ms. Park stated.
Some girls are chosen to serve the dictator, while others are given the job of pleasing lower-ranking generals and politicians. The most attractive girls serve the dictator. The report additionally expressed that once the individuals from the crew arrive at their mid-twenties, their residency reaches a conclusion. They frequently get married to the bodyguards of the leader.
Leave a comment Ms. Park explained that Kim Jong-un’s father, Kim Jong-II, believed that “having sexual intimacy would give him immortality” in the 1970s, which was the beginning of this “pleasure squad.” However, he passed away in 2011 at the age of 70 from a massive heart attack.
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